Industry News

Montenegro Votes in Confidence of its CIP

Montenegro Votes in Confidence of its CIP

New government supports the continuation of the program.

Elections are a chance for a country to validate its domestic and foreign policies, and in the case of Montenegro — the nation voted in confidence for its Citizenship by Investment Program, which was voted to remain unchanged until the program’s deadline on December 31st, 2021.

With a maximum number of applicants fixed at 2,000, the country is expected to attract estimated EUR 1 billion in the form of contributions and investments in its real-estate sector, which can be seen as a lifeline in the current conditions.

While there are currently 15 projects approved by the Government of Montenegro, the projects offered through Arton have shown significant progress over the past few months, sticking to both schedule and budget despite the shockwave of the pandemic.

Given the finite number of applications permitted within Montenegro’s CIP, and with less than 9 months to go, the program is widely viewed as a limited offer with some of the most advantageous benefits for investors looking to root their future on European soil.

From a fast procedure with citizenship granted within 4 months — and one of the fastest growing economies in the region; Montenegro offers families an ideal option for a second citizenship and a chance at success, growth, and peace of mind for generations to come.

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